Ôîðóì » » «Duga mracna noc»\«Long dark night» - 2 » Îòâåòèòü

«Duga mracna noc»\«Long dark night» - 2

Lubasha Visnjic: öèòàòàPosted by Martha on 4/4/2005, 11:44 pm «I believe, I am unsure if this was your friend or not, that she asked about the costumes, the red white and blue ones they wear at the pub.» That rang a bell in my head! Margi did asked just that, I think Mr. V. said they were «clothes special for Slovenia.» or something like that. Then she wrote, «There were two more questions afterwards, one about it being submitted to the Academy Awards and another (the last one) about what his favorite scene in the flim was (this question induced grinning, laughing, and messing up of words).» I remember the actual question. A lady in the audience asked if DMN was nominated for an Oscar. Then the introducer quickly answered that the movie was submitted, not nominated, and Goran Visnjic then explained how there originally was a director’s cut of 5 1/2 hours, but then it was cut down to 3 hours before submittal to the Oscar nominating committee. And then Mr. V. talked about how his favorite scene was when they watched a tennis match on TV, and he said something like, «that we were watching... and taking time for watching... when really we maybe... shouldn’t be because we were taking time from the film shooting schedule, and we didn’t really have time to take» and then he went on to say something like, «watching it put everyone in a happy mood» and «Everyone was so happy maybe it showed on their faces, even in scenes where maybe they shouldn’t be so happy.» Finally, I want to add that Goran Visnjic looks much MUCH younger in real life than he does on ER. He is much very slimmer looking and far more handsome. His eyes are magnetic. Seeing him that close up was a real shock to the system.

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Starley: Òàê....À òåïåðü ÿ!!!!!!

Starley: À òåïåðü íàø ïàðòèçàí÷èê! Íà áîëüíóþ íîãó!


Starley: Óãàäàé- êòî?


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