Форум » » ’Elektra’ - новый фильм Горана! » Ответить

’Elektra’ - новый фильм Горана!

Lubasha Visnjic: Сегодня просочилсь инфа, что ведутся с ним переговоры об участии в фильме «Электра» на главную мужскую роль Mark Miller \забавно что 13- летнюю дочь Марка зовут ЭББИ \. Главную женскую роль исполняет Дженнифер Гарнер \или «Шпионка»\, героиня которая должна охотиться на Марка. Согласно этой статьи в «Голливуд репортер» Фильм начнут снимать в мае в Ванкувере и предполагается, что Горан после завершения съемок в ER отправиться туда...в Канаду. «Электра» Дженнифер Гарнер

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Net: как же она смогла проникнуть... охраны там нет, что ли....?

Starley: Охрана-охрана... Разве фанатов это останавливает?

Lubasha Visnjic: так она написаала, ч то вроде все были удивлены «кто такая» , но промолчали, т.к. подумали, что она новый работник.

Net: Lubasha Visnjic пишет: цитатапромолчали, т.к. подумали, что она новый работник. надо будет тоже так попробовать, типа » здравствуйте. я ваш новый работник, по разносу кофе актерам первого состава»

Maria : Пользуясь случаем, хочу всем сказать — вы были правы насчет девушки инсомины...

X: Maria , а поподробнее?

Starley: Да, я прочитала рассказ этой девчонки. (Мне тут программу поставили- перевод с английского на русский. Теперь можно себя не утруждать) Повезло. ей... Что можно сказать.

Lubasha Visnjic: Maria А то!

Maria : X пишет: цитатаMaria , а поподробнее? Стукнись ко мне в ICQ Lubasha Visnjic, ты же сыщик... я в этом просто в очередной раз убедилась

Lubasha Visnjic: Maria фенкю, фенкю

X: Maria пишет: цитатаСтукнись ко мне в ICQУже Жду ответ

Lubasha Visnjic: МТV на площадке «Электры» http://www.mtv.com/shared...views/e/elektra_set_visit/

Starley: Спасибо за фотку, Любаша.

Lubasha Visnjic: рассказы о походах на съемочную площадку Copied this from the HNR board 29 июня цитата -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ My friend and I went down to Stadium yesterday. They were inside all day shooting a pool hall scene. Jennifer never came near the window at all. We waited 6 hours, they finished filming around 4pm but by the time we got to the front of the building the guy said that she had left a few minutes before. So that was extremely frustrating. But good news was that I got Goran Visjnic’s autograph. His smoking habit made him a little more accessible b/c he was out every hour or so for a smoke. I caught him just before he went back in, he gave me his autograph and winked at me. Nice guy. Still waiting for Jen though!

Lubasha Visnjic: Report on a visit to the Elektra set. 1 июля http://superherohype.com/elektra/index.php?id=1648 1 часть http://superherohype.com/elektra/index.php?id=1661 2 часть http://superherohype.com/elektra/index.php?id=1662 3 часть (Goran Visnjic – Mark Millar Goran revealed that he is not only a fan of comic movies, but that he is a sci-fi fan. He loves mythology and the Stargate TV series. He said that he was raised on more European comics like Asterix and Obelisk. He also mentioned that he had to audition for the part in Elektra. It wasn’t simply given to him. Goran said that the main draw of his character is that he is simply protecting his daughter and that it’s his only duty. If getting Elektra on his side helps protect her, that’s what he’ll do. In the end, he’s key in helping turn Elektra back to the good side. Rob Bowman described Mark as an «everyday guy in extraordinary circumstances». Speaking of Jennifer Garner, Goran said that she was easy to spend time with on the set. However, it’s difficult in the fact that he’s the only one without superpowers. Every time he’s attacked by wolves or magic, Elektra has to help him out. The extent of his stunt scenes consisted of him picking up everything not tied to the floor and throwing it at the bad guys. )

Lubasha Visnjic: еще впечатления фанов, попадющих на площадку цитатаI received the following from a girl from Vancouver so thought I would share...enjoy, J.D. Though you’d appreciate a Goran fix.... I saw him today again - saw him at Cleveland Dam about 12 days ago too.... At the dam, he had a big hole in his shirt and some makeup - black eye style... fighting scene I guess ! I wanted to sneak close enough to get a photo and autograph, so I was chatting with a friendly crew member around the makeup trailer: they told me I might get a better chance if they sneaked me into the catering tent, but I missed my chance... Saw him drive right by, he had to go to the studio for more work, dammit! So, today, I went by the set near the Stadium: lucky, a friend actor who’s a ninja was sitting right outside! I sat to chat with him, make him practise his French! He told me Terrence Stamp, Jennifer and Goran were inside... I was relieved, I though Goran was finished filming as I heard he checked out of the Sutton hotel... But there he came out, right in front of me! Well, I’m usually quite confident, but when he was looking at me, well.... I FROZE! (I’m sure you understand ) My friend was called in to shoot a scene, so I made my way to the «circus» in the parking lot, across the street (that’s where all the trailers were)... I recognised his driver waiting in a big black SUV (he recognised me from Cleveland dam too) we smiled and introduced ourselves... He was very friendly, I asked him, is it ok if I stay here and chat with you until Goran comes? He said that it could get him in trouble, you know, they have to be professional and it could look «set up»... but he said nicely: «stand over there, he’s gonna be right out soon!!» I did, trying to look as small as possible, I usually manage not to get kicked off sets... AAAARRRG! A crew member called me over: before I had a chance to make up some excuse, out came Goran! Arrr, he looked at me and paused - there was nobody around.... He seemed very relaxed, happy, curious, and in a good mood: I’m sure he wouldn’t have minded giving me an autograph and pose for a shot! Dang..^&*$%# crew boy... I know he was just doing his job and I was very nice to him, but he wouldn’t let me out the way I came, &%$#%!!! Goran got in the SUV on the other side of the trailer, I saw them drive away... I was kicking myself - aaaaaa, what a close call! I guess I could have called him - I even speak some basic Croatian! But I didn’t want to annoy him, scare him into thinking I’m some crazed groupie! I have a lot of respect for most actors, I wait for a smile and eye contact, wich I got, dammit... Funny, he seems smaller in person... he is very pale, his hair is very black. When he came out of the building, the sun was shining right into his green eyes... He seems quite sweet, almost goofy in person, in contrast to his «intense» manly man persona onscreen...

Lubasha Visnjic: продолжение.. цитатаHe is very charismatic, I’ll give you that! Damn, I had Goran looking at ME!! *faint* hehehe When he came out of his trailer, he was wearing khaki shorts, and a big short sleeves pale shirt, maybe pale blue? Funny, I didn’t expect him to wear beach «dude» gear, it was kinda funny on him, made him look younger and goofy, awwww... After all, he’s only 32 - they make him look like he’s forty on the set! Sooo.... that was my adventure of the day, haaaaaaaa, I was soooo dissapointed I didn’t get to him! I should have kept talking to his driver, he came out only minutes after. He seems very sweet, and very real: though you’d like to know. The crew said he’s very nice, not a show-off at all, unlike Jennifer....

Lubasha Visnjic: первый трейлер на официальном сайте «Электры» появиться между 5 и 15 августа

Starley: Не съемочная площадка, а просто проходной двор какой-то!!!

Jolly Kovac: как меня задолбали фильмы аля Человек паук и сорвиголова.. Сил моих дамских не хватает...

Lubasha Visnjic: а я ни один не видела Электра будет первой

Lubasha Visnjic: Нашла в нашем киножурнале упоминание фильма. Июль 2004 «Total Film» цитатаБританская актерская легенда Терренс Стамп, еще десять лет назад именовавшая себя Бернадеттой Бессенджер в «Приключениях Присциллы - королевы пустыни», выступит под псевдонимом «Палка» в очередном комикс-экшне «Электра». Мистер Стамп сыграет слепого наставника Электры, простите, Начос (Дженнифер Гарнер), киллера, давшей себе влюбиться в очередную жертву. Еще бы, как честной девушке не соблазниться восточноевропейскими бровками Горана Виснича? Понимаем, понимаем... PS. Премьера в США перенесена на более раннее число 14 января 2005

Lubasha Visnjic: скачать трейлер http://jen-garner.net/mod...ate&selectdate=1093128638

Starley: Какой-то он смешной на этой фотке..

Lubasha Visnjic: первый постер

Starley: Lubasha Visnjic Не открывается!!!! Любаша, ссылку давай!

Lubasha Visnjic: http://superherohype.com/...s/elektranews.php?id=2059 должна теперь

Starley: Мило. Только Горанчик-то где?

Maria : Ну следующий постер будет с Гораном...

Lubasha Visnjic: В России «Электра» выходит 14 апреля 2005 http://www.geminifilm.ru/cinema_ins.asp?p=soon#235

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